Still pissed off September 15, 1985


The more I read about the Great Passaic Fire, the scarier it gets as if Mayor Lapari deliberately let this part of the city burn to make way for his condos and his shopping mall.

There’s almost nothing we can do about it short of an armed insurrection. This, after all, was our reform mayor.

This is a mayor who got caught red handed taking money from HUD for his car. Now, after the disaster, after the industrial base of the city burned, he even wants a raise.

I’ve gotten so paranoid I see everything as a plot, him, Reagan, even the bullshit at Fotomat, some evil conspiracy behind everything, planning everything, making things rotten with remarkable precision.

But there is no conspiracy. That would make life far too simple, allowing us to pin blame of one specific thing, a new Satan or his followers upon whom we can lay responsibility for all the world’s troubles. We could go on living our lives saying ourselves that “it’s that clown’s fault.”

Many people have done this for centuries, finding easy scapegoats while closing their eyes to the harsh realities, letting to world sink deeper into the muck while pretending to save it. It’s easy. Just say Satan did it or Reagan or some other not-so-popular figure, instead of looking more closely at ourselves.

That’s where the real Satan is, inside ourselves, and that’s what our good witch-hunting friends won’t admit. The elitists of this world, liberal, conservative or whatever, thinking they’re above the common muck, have none of the human faults common people endure, by some virtue of their questionable upbringing or education, see themselves as superior to the common people, and so peach at them, as if trying to save our souls, when in fact they are just playing God.

The most dangerous person is the one who thinks he has all the answers, and is on the path of righteousness, and insists on dragging you along with him – even if he has to kill you to accomplish it.

Lipari is only a front for the elite, an upper-class society who wants to bull dozen poverty out of the way to make room for its own wealthy elite. I’m not talking Republicans – although they have their fair share of that crowd, but liberals, too, people who think they are better than people whose fingernails are dirty from common labor.

All this hits me because this elite, liberal or conservative, is eyeing my part of the world for extinction, and I don’t like it, and yet I’m pretty helpless to do anything about it.


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